Call of Duty

PSA: You Should Probably Avoid The Train In Warzone For Now

Hard to tell if this is a purposeful glitch or if the train is just completely broken.

PSA: You Should Probably Avoid The Train In Warzone For Now
Image Source: Infinity Ward

Glitches are just a part of gaming, but there are different levels. The best are the helpful glitches that give you an unintended edge, but those aren’t great for multiplayer.

The worst is when a glitch only gives your opponent the edge, and only you suffer. Call of Duty Warzone is currently experiencing the latter in the new Urzikstan map that arrived with Season 1 that everyone should know about.

A clip is circulating Reddit that shows a player on the train who is somehow invincible despite the gunfight happening in an enclosed space. The player capturing the clip dies without any damage seemingly happening to the enemy player. There are plenty of comments bringing up Warzone’s long history with awful hitboxes on trains as a possible culprit. That would perhaps lend itself to other players speaking up about encountering this same thing.

With that in mind, it’s hard to call this glitch intentional, as it could just come down to some train-related performance issues. Because of that, we can’t exactly guarantee you’ll run into this every time. However, that doesn’t detract from the main point of avoiding the train for safety. After all, the train can’t get you if you never step foot on board.

The bad news is that, at this moment, there isn’t anything on the Warzone Trello board that suggests the developers are aware of this glitch/train issue. This means it could be a decent amount of time before the train becomes a legitimate loot spot instead of some sort of unfair playing field.

We will continue to monitor this situation, and hopefully, things will be fixed before long, so you won’t potentially have to fight the Terminator on board a moving train. In the meantime, I guess we’re only on foot or in a vehicle.

About the author

Cameron Waldrop

Cameron is a freelance writer for Twinfinite and regularly covers battle royales like Fortnite and Apex Legends. He started writing for Twinfinite in late 2019 and has reviewed many great games. While he loves a good shooter, his heart will always belong to JRPGs.
