Jason Wright, Author at Twinfinite https://twinfinite.net/author/jasonwright/ Video Game news, reviews, opinions, guides and videos! Fri, 05 May 2023 13:58:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.4 https://twinfinite.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/cropped-logo-2.png?fit=32%2C32 Jason Wright, Author at Twinfinite https://twinfinite.net/author/jasonwright/ 32 32 Bungie’s Bringing Down the Ban Hammer on Destiny 2 Boosters https://twinfinite.net/destiny-2/bungies-bringing-down-the-ban-hammer-on-destiny-2-boosters/ https://twinfinite.net/destiny-2/bungies-bringing-down-the-ban-hammer-on-destiny-2-boosters/#respond Fri, 10 Mar 2023 17:29:06 +0000 https://twinfinite.net/?p=923556 Goodbye boosters.]]>

There’s no question that Destiny 2 can be a challenging and time-consuming game. From countless hours spent grinding Lost Sectors for a piece of exotic armor, to farming Dungeons for a God-rolled weapon, it can really be a tedious process. Because of this, some players may feel that they need a bit of help to get through a certain piece of content – or to find that perfect gun. Unfortunately, these players often turn to boosters who do their playing for them. However, it was recently revealed in a Tweet from the Destiny 2 Team that Bungie is bringing down the ban hammer on Destiny 2 boosters.

As revealed in the comments of the Tweet, a number of players who were banned are claiming they were mistakenly banned and have not been account sharing. Whether this is true or not remains unknown; however one thing is certain – Bungie is cracking down on account sharing – right before the new raid drops.

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